The innocent might have thought phone hacking was the preserve of our official army of spooks but this week’s news developments prove otherwise and the lay out the consequences as they mushroom by the day. Profumo, Watergate, Enron: is the UK facing a weave of these in the biggest scandal and threat to the fabric of our establishment right now? Fed up of reading about it? Then it might be time to try some fiction.
Former MI5 Director General Stella Rimington and now thriller author with her Liz Carlyle series has moved to a new publisher – Bloomsbury – has a new book out, Rip Tide and a new website to boot. On the website you can even find a sample from Rip Tide in the ‘Advance Intelligence’ file. Below, she talks about her new novel.
Sometimes, fiction is more comforting than reality because you know it’s fiction…
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