You may have noticed that It's a Crime! has a foreign crimefic correspondent (FCC, aka CS). He drops by occasionally, with the odd book review on novels that deserve more attention. Tonight he crossed the border up north and attended the first event in Laurie R King's UK book tour for The Language of Bees, at The Lit & Phil in Newcastle, the largest private library outside London. A more detailed report of the event will follow, but for now it is safe to say that the evening was a great success with up to thirty people in attendance and an energetic interactive theme to the event. Congratulations to Laurie! We also have a lovely picture of Laurie, but it's sitting on my mobile phone awaiting a lead of some sort to connect to the PC to upload. Hopefully, this will be achieved by the time of the further reportage and not have to wait until Christmas. Next stop for LRK is Reading's Festival of Crime Writing on Sat 12 Sept. Mistress in charge of said crime blog, It's a Crime! (MICOSCBIAC, aka CFR) will be there for that one. Click here for FCC's thoughts on The Language of Bees and for a quick buy at Amazon in the UK here (or US). You can visit Laurie R King's site and on twitter you can follow @mary_russell for a series of quotes.
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