...and, not that I'm boasting, but I am heading out later today for another launch party. More on the party, the author and the novel on the weekend. It involves a train journey for me and it's going to be a very late night. So I doubt I'll resurface until Friday afternoon at the earliest.
I'll have plenty of time to do some reading and I've just rearranged the TBR pile because of The Guardian's Not the Booker Prize. I'll admit to nominating Mari Strachan's The Earth Hums in B Flat, which I read earlier this year and loved. But Jenn Ashworth's A Kind of Intimacy caught my eye at the London Book Fair and it's now getting quite a few votes for the Not the Booker Prize. Hence, I retrieved my copy (from the kitchen, hidden under a pile of recently laundered laundry) and it's going to be read pronto.
I don't expect to get any more invitations to such events this year, but it's nice to be asked and to get out and about. To date this year, crimefic-related invitations: 4. Job offers: 0. But it will only take the one job offer and I remain optimistic on times, though I have no idea why and this week's news on the UK economy is very worrying...
Catch you later in the week and if you do leave a comment or send an email there will be a necessary delay in publishing/replying.
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