Grande Finale: Where Did They Go Wrong?
Dr Roger Barrett, Detective Sergeant Callum Sutherland, Shirley and Angus Marshall.
Experts in the fields of forensic computer science, fire and toxicology, police procedure, scenes of crime.
Alas, packing etc., this was another one I missed.
Kathy Reichs
I believe this was another sell out event; it was certainly a packed hall. From the start, it looked to be different; Kathy Reichs took the stage avec lap top, and, yes, we were treated to slides. This was not an interview, but a presentation, and Ms Reichs brought the professionalism of her day job, that of a forensic anthropologist, to the arena. She was a slick and entertaining presenter. Reichs told us about her day job and also which real life cases had inspired her fictional stories. She injected much humour into the proceedings, including a lot of bad jokes. But she knew they were bad jokes, we knew they were bad jokes and her delivery was superb. We were all laughing with her.
I took no notes as I was busy listening and watching the slide show and laughing. Taking the advice of someone from earlier in her career, we were told that every presentation should include a picture of a dog, a cat and a baby. We got all three, plus her own pet entourage making use of her sofa… Plus Danger Kitty, the suspect to be avoided, he’s the gorgeous, fluffy furry bundle that poses on window ledges sporting a nasty looking gun.
She ended her presentation telling us about the TV-show-in-the-making that is Tempe Brennan and her stories. We saw slides of the set and those involved in the production. We were left in no doubt that Kathy Reichs is enjoying herself and wants all her readers to enjoy the ride with her. If you ever get the chance to see her then take the opportunity; I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too.
The TV series is called “Bones”; it is being made by Fox and airs on US TV in the fall (autumn to us Brits). Sky will show the TV series in the UK in the spring of 2006, so keep a look out.
Reichs signed books in the book shop and it was another very long queue. She was accompanied by her hubby who also seems to enjoy talking to the crowds; well, he spoke to me! It seemed like a flying visit but they both looked as though they were enjoying themselves and it was a good note on which to finish the weekend.
Thanks for the visit Kathy!
Find more on the author here:
(I notice that the site has been updated since Reichs’s visit to the UK. It’s quite a lively and informative site, now even more of the same!)
From the left: the only forensic anthropologist we've heard of, Kathy Reichs; an example of her slides; the anthropologist herself, again!
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